Friday, May 31, 2019

martin luther king junior :: essays research papers

"One of the worlds best known advocates of non-violent social change strategies, Martin Luther King, Jr. synthesized ideas drawn from many differentcultural traditions." (Carson 1). However, these protest strategies onlyfurthered racial segregation, resulting in the eventual decease of King.Michael King, who was later known as Martin Luther King, Jr. was bornJanuary 15, 1929, at 501 Auburn Avenue in Atlanta, Georgia. His roots were inthe African-American Baptist church. After his junior form at Morehouse College,Benjamin Mays influenced him to become a minister, the death chair of MorehouseCollege. (Smith 1). He studied theologies at Crozer Theological Seminary inChester, Pennsylvania, and at Boston University, where he earned a doctorate insystematic theologies in 1955. (Carson 1). While he was completing his Ph. D.requirements, Martin Luther King, Jr. decided to return to the south. He becamethe pastor of Dextor Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. (Smith 2).Fiv e days after Rosa Parks refused to obey the citys rules concerning bus segregation, African-American residents of Montgomery, Alabama launched abus boycott. They elected Martin Luther King, Jr. as president of the MontgomeryImprovement Association. (Phillips 3). King received national prominence as theboycott continued, due to his personal courage and exceptional oratical skills.(Carson 2).On charges on conspiracy, Martin Luther King, they bombed Jr.s house,and they arrested him along with other boycott leaders. (Mark 3). Despite theseactions taken against the boycott, Montgomery buses were desegregated inDecember of 1956. The Supreme Court had declared Alabamas laws of segregationunconstitutional.During 1957, Martin Luther King, Jr. and other African-Americanministers found the Southern Christian leading Conference (SCLC). Aspresident of the organization, King emphasized the importance of African-American voting rights. (Phillips 5). King published his first book, stairToward Fr eedom The Montgomery Story. In 1959, he toured India to increase hisknowledge and understanding of Gandhian non-violent strategies. By the end ofthat year, King relinquished the pastorate of Dextor, and returned to Atlanta,where the Southern Christian Leadership Conference headquarters was located.(Carson 2).Martin Luther King, Jr. did not arrange any mass protest activitiesduring the first five years to follow the Montgomery bus boycott. While King wascautious, southern, African-American college students took the initiative,launching many sit-in protests during the winter and spring of 1960. (Itory 3). Conflicts between Martin Luther King, Jr. and the younger protestors wereevident when the Southern Christian Leadership Conference assisted the AlbanyMovements campaign both of mass protest during December of 1961 and during thesummer of 1962. (Phillips 2).In 1963 Martin Luther King, Jr. and his staff guided mass demonstrations

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Positive Impact of Technology on Education Essays -- Teaching Educ

The Positive Impact of Technology on EducationToday, applied science is found eachwhere in education.There are computers in many of the classrooms and schools contain computer labs, or at least numerous computers in the library functional to students. In my paper, I want to discuss some of the positive and negative effects that technology has on education.Throughout my schooling, Ive seen technology go done different stages of importance in education.When I was in elementary, I remember seeing maybe one computer in the whole school.Moving to middle school, all(prenominal) classroom had around two computers for students to use.The library had a small computer lab where computer classes were held and students could sign up to use them.High school consisted of computers in every classroom.The chemistry and physics room had a small computer lab, the library had a lab of about 30 computers, and we had a computer lab polish up the hall as well.I recently took a visit back to my eleme ntary school and was amazed at the changes that had taken place, all technological.The library was turned into a fu...

The Olympic Games :: Olympics History Greek Olympia Essays

The Olympic GamesThe Olympic Games are an international sports festival that began inancient Greece. The original classical games were staged every fourth year forseveral hundred years, until they were abolished in the early Christian era.The revival of the Olympic Games took place in 1896, and since then they inductbeen staged every fourth year, except during World War I and World War II.Perhaps the basic difference between the ancient and late Olympics isthat the former was the ancient Greeks way of saluting their gods, whereas themodern Games are a manner of saluting the athletic talents of citizens of allnations. The original Olympics featured competition in music, oratory, andtheater performances as well. The modern Games have a more expansive athleticagenda, and for two and one-half weeks they are supposed to replace the rancorof international conflict with friendly competition. In recent times, however,that lofty ideal has not always been attained.The earliest reliable dat e that recorded history gives for the firstOlympics is 776 BC, although virtually all historians expect that the Gamesbegan well before then.It is certain that during the midsummer of 776 BC a festival was held atOlympia on the highly civilized eastern coast of the Peloponnesian peninsula.That festival remained a regularly scheduled case, taking place during the pre-Christian golden age of Greece. As a testimony to the religious nature of theGames, which were held in honor of Zeus, the most important god in the ancientGreek pantheon, all wars would cease during the contests. According to theearliest records, only one athletic event was held in the ancient Olympics--afoot race of about 183 m (200 yd), or the length of the stadium. A cook,Coroibus of Elis, was the first recorded winner. The first few Olympics hadonly local appeal and were limited to one race on one day only men wereallowed to compete or attend. A second race--twice the length of the stadium--was added in the 14th Ol ympics, and a still longer race was added to the nextcompetition, four years later.When the powerful, warlike Spartans began to compete, they influenced theagenda. The 18th Olympics included wrestling and a pentathlon consisting ofrunning, jumping, spear throwing, discus throwing, and wrestling. Boxing wasadded at the 23rd Olympiad, and the games continued to expand, with the additionof chariot racing and other sports. In the 37th Olympiad the format wasextended to five days of competition.The suppuration of the Games fostered professionalism among the competitors,and the Olympic ideals waned as royalty began to compete for personal gain,

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Differences In Animal Phyla Essay -- essays research papers

Because they are grouped in the same kingdom, the nine animal(prenominal) phyla share the same fundamental characteristics- they are multicellular, heterotrophic eukaryotes that pose nutrients through ingestion, they lack cell walls, they have nervous tissue and muscle tissue, and they reproduce sexually and have a unique embryonic life cycle. However, the animal phyla have a great number of differences as well. Some are visible to the naked eye, while others are less obvious, and still more cannot redden be seen after embryonic development. What are these differences, and how did they shape the development of the phylogenetic tree?In animals, the embryo becomes layered through the process of gastrulation, or the fundamental law of the two layered, cup-shaped embryonic stage from a blastula. These layers are called germ layers. Most animals are triploblastic, meaning they have three germs layers. These are the ectoderm, the endoderm, and the mesoderm. The ectoderm is the outer m ost(prenominal) layers which forms the eubstances covering and the central nervous system. The endoderm is the innermost germ layer. It forms the digestive tube and gives rise to most organs. The third layer, the mesoderm, exists between the endoderm and ectoderm. It forms the muscles and most other organs towards the upper layer of the animal. Diploblastic animals, or animals with only two germ layers, lack mesoderm. There are only two diploblastic phyla Porifera, the sponges, and Cnidaria, the bag animals. on the whole other animals are ...

Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin In The Sun Essay -- essays research pap

Theplay depicts the feelings and thoughts of the people of theirtime. Their feelings are different then what we see today inour lives. The family had to deal with poverty and racism.Not having enough money and al ways being put downbecause of the color of their skin held them back fromhaving a lot of arrogance and dignity. I think that Mamawas the one who had the most pride and held the familytogether. Ruth was being prevented from having a babybecause of money problems, Walter was bringing him selfdown by trying to make the liquor store idea work. OnceMama decided to buy the house with the money she hadreceived, Walter figured that he should further go on with theliquor store idea. Then, when Walter lost the money, he losthis dignity and tried to get some money from the welcomeparty of Cylborne Park. Mama pressure him to realize howfar he went by making him show himself to his son how lowhe would go. But he showed that he wasnt susceptible tothe ways the racism created. Raisin In the Sun Dreams canbe seen in many ways. A dream could be something you hadin the night that seems so real, or a dream could be yourfantasy, where everything is going your way. The last type ofdream is something that has more of a deep sense and playsan important role in your life. The type the dream theYounger family had. Each individual had their own hopesand anticipated something. Walter and his chance to be bigand important with his liquor store, Beneatha and becomin...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Joyce Carol Oatess Perspective Essay -- Literary Analysis

Joyce Carol Oates uses loss of control to show the effects of trauma caused from death. The trauma is later turned into the permanent characteristic of being violent. being one of the most prolific and versatile contemporary writes Joyce Carol Oates creates amazing works related to loss of control, murder, suicide, loss of identity that catch the readers attention. (ENOTES) Little Bird of Heaven and The Falls are novels mainly focused on characters that are greatly impacted by murders of family members or someone conclude to them. In Little Bird of Heaven, Aaron battles with the murder of his mother, Zoe Kruller. The mysterious murder develops Aaron into an uncontrolled violent character. As a young child that discovered his mothers body, he is greatly impacted by the trauma. Powerless, Aaron does not know any way of managing with this loss other than turbulence. Oates tends to create characters that deal with violence as a tragic affirmation struggle to emerge (TRAGIC VISION EDIT) . He even drew characters away because of the fear of provoking him to greater anger (Little 437). Aaron is greatly deteriorated by confusion and rage, being informed that the only two prime suspects are his father, Delray Kruller, and Edward Diehl. Not knowing what to believe, Aaron copes with his mothers death in a good negative way. He deals with this death through fights at school and arguments with classmates. This results into Aaron being expelled from school, sent home and permanently damaged. (Little 365).Oates creates a vision for the reader of a ineffectual child in need of mental help and reacting violently to a tragedy. The emotional distress Aaron struggles through his entire life demonstrates how severely his life is im... ...h having days of experience in English, she became an English professor. During her years of creating novels, she was devoted to running. Running helped her mentally envision scenes for her novels. She finds running very meditative and almost trancelike (Arch 1). Running is certainly a decisive requirement for the accomplishment of Joyce Carol Oatess incredible novels that she has produced. As a result, her grandmother, famous authors, and running greatly contributed to Joyce Carol Oatess provoke in becoming a writer. Today, Joyce Carol Oatess continues to write. She lives in Princeton, New Jersey where she continues to do what she loves at Distinguished Professor of Humanities at Princeton University. trance growing u p she had been easily influenced through many aspects that showed through in her writing which connected someway to her personal life.

Monday, May 27, 2019

La Belle Dame sans Merci By John Keats Essay

La Belle Dame sans Merci is a poem written by John Keats who was a romantic poet. The first three stanzas of this poem ar spoken by the narrator who is talking to the poet, asking him why hes wondering by himself and looks so worrying.He addresses the poet as wretched Wight roaming push throughside, all alone. The narrator whos out in the countryside talks about the night and the surroundings what its like presently.There are no sedges or birds in the trees. Everything seems to be complete as the harvests are done which marks the end of the year and the incident that there are no leaves tells us it is autumn in like manner which is a time of the year when it seems as though all forms of life have pursue to an end. Out of curiosity he asks the poet what is wrong with him. The rest of the poem is the poets reply.The poet tells us that he saw an extremely pretty-pretty lady somewhere as in the line I met a lady in the meads, full beautiful, a sprites child. The poet further desc ribes the lady. He says that she was so beautiful and graceful that she couldnt have been a human. With such long hair and the grace as she had, she had to be a fairys child though her eyes seemed to be demented or disturbed.The poet makes her sit on his horse and in her presence, sees energy else as in the line I behave her on my pacing steed and nothing else saw all day long. She sings a song of such music and melody thats its in spades not human. A place where there seemed to be no sound of birds is now enchanted by music. The music is not ordinary music or song but that of a fairies and the immortal as in the line for sideways would she lean and sing a fairys song.The fairy in this poem represents the poetic uptake which inspires poets and artists to write and compose. Without this they feel that they are good as dead. The poetic inspiration casts poets into a delightful mood out of which they are able to compose their rhyme. It changes a poets life when it enters it by bri ghtening it up and leaves it in a nasty way. Just the way poetic inspiration can change the life of a poet when it enters the previous picture of dull and lifelessness also brightens up when the lady is mentioned.In the third to fifth stanza the poet describes the possess in the presence of the lady and the poetic inspiration which are alike. The poet under the spell composes numbers with words as though decorating the fairy that seems to enjoy him poetry decoration very much and urges him to continue. He seems to be enjoying all the sensual pleasures which are of taste, sight, music, fragrance and touch. In the lines she found me roots of relish sweet and honey wild and manna dew, the words relish sweet, honey wild, and manna dew, symbolize or express rather, the pleasures experienced by the poet while writing poetry.In the next stanza we find key words which tell us something about the lady. In the lines and there she gazed and sighed deep and there I shut her wild sad eyes so k issed to sleep, the words sighed deep and wild sad eyes tell us that the lady is not happy about something and that she too is troubled over something.The lady who happens to be a fairy, one that belongs to the world of the immortal cannot stay with a person for long. This is because she is from a different world and so after a period of time she must desert the person no matter what and this is what has caused her grief. Even the best of men this world can offer, kings and warriors are no math and she must leave them all. In the same way, the poetic inspiration cannot stay with one person for a long time. It must dismiss on and go to other people and inspire them to compose as well.In the next stanza we see how the poet tries to enjoy his few moments of ecstasy at the virtually and dream even if its on the cold hill side. The poet knows that he too, like those before him will be deserted. In the next stanza he describes his dream, or rather nightmare in which he sees the people w ho have already been deserted by the lady and become severely ill their life to them was as good as death. Without the fairy that they loved, they had nothing to live for.In the same sense the poetic inspiration allows poets to do what they love to do i.e. write poetry but once that is taken away, so is their ability of composing and they loose interest in life. The men are left with starved lips and pale faces with nothing worth living for. And when the poet wakes up, he find himself in the same situation and all alone on the cold hill side. And so the poet tells the narrator that he had been deserted by the one he loved most and it didnt really matter what time of the year it was because his life was as good as death.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages using facebook by students Essay

Facebook is an account which can help everyone to connect with different people from anywhere in the world, include the students. It willing improve their fellowship ab come on other places, customs and cultures. For example English students can improve their English by using chatting application that is provided in Facebook. In facebook, students be adapted to chat with foreigner in other countries. Therefore, students can learn about how to speak English well. In addition, Facebook also gives the students the opopportunity to communicate with their friends very easily. Students can spend Facebook for group study by creating a group only for studying. Students can share any informations and learn about homework, assignments, exams, etc in that group. demo social connections with students at your school and at institutions across the country Connect with like minded individuals, and individuals with similar interests Stay in contact with old friends nose candy Day UpdateNot sur e if school will be open or closed on a snow day? break up it out on your teacher and/or Principals page on Facebook. Youll find the answer and a whole lotta comments. Reaching out to a student in need Students shared that sometimes its hard for them to approach a teacher or even really reach out for help face-to-face. Sharing a disappointment on Facebook can be easier. Students shared how touched they were by encouraging words from a teacher all on their page, or as a face-to-face follow up.Disadvantages of of using Facebook by StudentsIt regards to students education, students are to a greater extent often subjected to reading Facebook update than reading books Facebook exploiters, some likely always want to know about update status, so that every day without they realize it takes time. They are stimulated to write unimportant things.Students will have study distraction students will be ignoring their valuable time to do homework and to study before the exams. In addition, stu dents are spending more time in Facebook than review their lessons. Whenstudents browsing on the internet to search assignments, they prefer to chat with their friends about nonsense thing. Badly, Facebook like drugs that will make the students modernize addicted. Students can spend hours just to read their friends updates and looking at the latest pictures. Another problem by using Facebook is spending much money, in bourne to pay the internet costs. Students online disclosure of illegal activities, such as substance abuse, can be used if students come under investigation for related offenses. authorization employers may use facebook to discover information about studentsFacebook- Facebook (formerly thefacebook) is an online social networking service headquartered in Menlo Park, California. Its name comes from a colloquialism for the directorygiven to students at some American universities. Facebook was founded on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates a nd fellow Harvard University students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The founders had initially limited the websites membership to Harvard students, but later expanded it to colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added corroborate for students at various other universities and later to their high-school students. Facebook now allows anyone who claims to be at least 13 years old worldwide to become a registered user of the website, although proof is not required.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Banks Fraud in Nigeria Essay

Perhaps, no where are frauds more serious and more pronounced than in the imprecateing sector of the economy. They are one of the biggest single causes of bank chastisement and distress in the Nigerian banking system. This study therefore sets out to find the common types of bank fraud that are frequently carried out in the banking system, the cardinal causes, level of staff involvement, consequences and possible mode of ameliorating the problem. A sample of 100 respondents taken in Benin City, capital of Edo State, Nigeria was studied by means of field survey tool of questionnaire and the response to rating scale questions were tested for significance using the t-test. The analysis revealed that respondents did not view unofficial borrowing and outside(prenominal) exchange malpractice as forms of bank fraud since they were common and an industry wide practice.It also revealed that there was an equal level of staff involvement in initiating and capital punishment fraud, with th e concealment of fraud coming last in their agenda. Also, among the factors hypothesized to encourage bank fraud the major individual based factors were greed, infidelity and poverty, while organizational factors were wanting(predicate) staffing, poor internal controls, inadequate training and poor working conditions. Respondents also viewed greed, lack of personal ethics and weak corporate governance as managerial factors that help propagate frauds in banks. The unique contribution of this paper is its emphasis on building upon the methodology and findings of some previous studies in the area of bank fraud (in Nigeria), by conducting statistical test of significance which adds statistical validity and flavour to our findings.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Civil Disobedience in an Unjust America

Ahmed Syed Professor Ravy Eng 112-536 04/27/2010 well-bred noncompliance in an cheating(prenominal) America According to the infamous essay by Henry David Thoreau, courteous noncompliance is the conscious and intentional disobeying of a law to advance a honorable principle or change politics policy. Throughout the essay, Thoreau urges the need for individuals to aim their personal and social consciousness before their allegiance to their government and its range of policies. Thoreau believed that if a government is un nevertheless, citizens should simply refuse to follow the law and eventually begin to distance themselves from their government in a variety of ways.Although published 105 old age one of the most turbulent and crucial times in Ameri stop history, the leaders of the Civil Rights Movement saw the congruence between their plight and the teachings in Civil Disobedience. The protests led by legendary activist Martin Luther ability and the watershed event of Rosa Pa rks infamous bus ride were just two instances in which civil disobedience came to fruition in modern day America. The following quote by Thoreau laid the ground piss for the basis of the actions of some civil rights activists, King and Parks included, I think that we should be men first, and subjects after fightdThe only obligation which I have is the right to do what I think right. (Civil Disobedience 475). The aforementioned quote reveals Thoreaus belief that it was a citizens obligation to withdraw from participating in an unjust and unholy government and gives support to future opposition to the American Government as scene during the 1950s and 1960s. Thoreau bespeaks on several issues throughout his essay which include disassociation and reform, except one overarching and undeniable argument that is present throughout his essay is that the American government is an unjust government that must be corrected.This belief was also held by civil rights activists. Through this re search paper, the foundation of Thoreaus ideas and their penetration into modern American history will be explored. The social context surrounding Thoreau and his work includes two prevalent issues slavery and The Mexican-American state of war. During the 1840s, when Civil Disobedience was published, the North and South were at odds over the issue of slavery. During the same time, many Americans also believed it was their establish destiny to claim parts of Mexico as the United States.Based on these two issues, Thoreau argues that the United States is an evilness and unjust government. Thoreau and Paul Powers Civil Disobedience as Functional Opposition both argue that if the government were not evil in its objectives and agenda then the idea and practice of civil disobedience would not have been needed nor created. According to Powers, due the established evil of our government, there are both moral and ideological grounds for justifying civil disobedience, (Powers 37). This is b ecause civil disobedience is a reaction to unjust government.Although many argue against civil disobedience by saying unjust laws made by a pop legislature can be changed by a democratic legislature and that the existence of lawful channels of change make civil disobedience unnecessary, Thoreau and Powers would argue that the constitution and said laws are the problem, not the solution. According to Thoreau, governments are often abused and perverted (Civil Disobedience 249) so that they no longer reflect the ask and opinions of the common people.The American government showcased the aforementioned abuse and perversion during Thoreaus time in their partaking in the Mexican-American War. The main objective of the war was the get by shoot down from Mexico in order to create a larger and more powerful America. According to Thoreau, the American government achieved these objectives through an unfair armed conflict that was aromatic of the long arm of European monarchies Thoreau als o argued that the American government was unjust in its total support of slavery.Thoreau believed that citizens of the United States must stop slavery and the war with Mexico, even if it costs them their existence as a people. In order to truly make his arguments effective, Thoreau used ethos and pathos to persuade the people of his era. His use of ethos is explicit throughout the entire essay. Thoreau establishes that he is a credible source as he himself has practiced civil disobedience and has been imprisoned for doing so. Thoreau says, I have remunerative no poll-tax for six years.I was put into fling once on this account, for one night and, as I stood considering the walls of solid stoneI cold not help being struck with the foolishness of that institution (Civil Disobedience 249). In the aforementioned quote, not only does he build his own credibility as a sort of martyr for his cause, but he discredits the opposition, the government. Thoreau engages the audience by way of p athos as he speaks on such an emotional take almost pressing issues that almost every American had an opinion on, the war and slavery (Civil Disobedience 243. Thoreaus use of ethos and pathos was so successful and convincing that that it resonated with Americans over 100 years later. Thoreaus teachings helped to form and energize the American civil rights movement. His ideas and teachings were applied to sit-ins at lunch counters, the freedom ride to Mississippi, peaceful protests in Georgia, and the bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama. All of these defining moments were the outcome of Thoreaus insistence that evil must be resisted and that no moral man can patiently adjust to injustice (Thoreau 244).Thoreau also uses sensory imagery to convince and reach his audience in the following quote If the injustice has a spring, or a pulley, or a rope, or a crank, exclusively for itself, then perhaps you may consider whether the remedy will not be worse than the evilLet your life be a cou nter friction to stop the machine (Civil Disobedience 248). This quote applies Thoreaus somewhat abstract theories and ideas about evil and injustice to tangible and common objects, allowing all members of his audience to understand the major arguments of his essay.The use of the concrete words machine, spring, pulley, rope, and crank allow Thoreaus audience to take what he is saying and apply it to common processes and mages that they understand because they are parts of their common and everyday lives. Columnist Bob Herbert, of the New York Times, recently wrote an article about Martin Luther Kings opposition to the Vietnam War, which can be compared with Thoreaus thoughts on the Mexican-American War. Herbert cited King as saying the United States Government, in regards to their war efforts was, Corrupt, inept, and without popular support, (Herbert 2010).Herbert went on to further to say, Dr. King spoke about the damage the Vietnam War was doing to Americas war on poverty, and the way it was undermining other important domestic initiatives. What he wanted from the U. S. was not war furtheste overseas but a renewed commitment to economic and social justice at home. As he put it A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is attack spiritual death, (Herbert 2010). Not only did King agree with Thoreau on the social, piritual, and moral wrongs of war, but he also practiced civil disobedience and was sent to jail just as Thoreau was. In April of 1963, King was imprisoned in Birmingham, Alabama for his participation and leadership of the Birmingham campaign, a planned non-violent protest conducted by the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights and Kings Southern Christian Leadership Conference against racial segregation (King). While imprisoned, King wrote a Letter from a Birmingham Jail, which is equivalent to Thoreaus Civil Disobedience in that he demonstrated that he was in Birmingham in the first place because injustice resided there.Within the letter he also declared the sole cause for his imprisonment was for protesting those injustices. Letter from a Birmingham Jail was the root of Kings views on civil disobedience. As the primary leader the Civil Rights Movement, King was known for his views on the value of civil disobedience as a way to achieve political attention and change, similar to Thoreau. Specifically, King examine and used methods of Thoreaus civil disobedience to combat and change segregation laws.Kings thoughts on civil disobedience raised similar theoretical questions to Thoreaus about the relationship between an individual, their government, and ones moral and political duties in upholding their personal social contract with the US government (Melendez). Within the letter, King utilizes the same ethos and pathos that Thoreau used 100 years earlier. King builds his credibility and rapport by explaining himself as a reliable, competent, activist w ho has the utmost respect for his audiences ideas and values. This can be seen as he writes, I am in Birmingham because injustice is here. Just as the prophets of the eighth century B. C. left their villages and carried their thus saith the Lord far beyond the boundaries of their home towns, and just as the Apostle Paul left his village of Tarsus and carried the gospel of Jesus Christ to the far corners of the Greco-Roman world, so am I compelled to carry the gospel of freedom beyond my own home town. Like Paul, I must constantly respond to the Macedonian call for aid (Letter from a Birmingham Jail 207). In conclusion, while Thoreau and his disciple Martin Luther King Jr. ncourage the need for individuals to correctly and justly prioritize their individual conscious and the laws of their government, they essentially argue that the reason for the institution of civil disobedience is because the American government is and will always be an unjust government. Thoreau believes this is t rue not only because of their involvement in the Mexican-American War and their firm support of slavery, but because the American governments actions are derived from the needs, opinions, and desires of a small group of citizens who fail to represent the majority.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Hotel Management System Essay

1.1 IntroductionThe aim of every business is to achieve operational excellence and efficiency. The in effect(p)ness of business litigatees today has been influenced by applied science. However, as computing technology becomes increasingly vital to conducting business and communicating with associates, new and more complex issues must be resolved. Among them is the need to ensure that the benefits derived from using computers argon not lessen due to accompanying in reboundation counsel inefficiencies or to the creation of new business risks. A hotel is a building where travelers foundation pay for lodging, meals and other activities. Hotel watchfulness involves combination of variant skills like management, marketing, human resource development, and financial management, inter personal skills, dexterity, etc. Hotels are a major employment generator in tourism industry. Hotel management can be a very lucrative field, both in terms of annual revenues Furthermore, hotels are big attractions to businesses and associations looking to flip events.Booking an event means additional revenue for the wont of a conference or banquet room, in addition to overnight guests who may use laundry and other concierge run. Work in the area of Hotel Management involves ensuring that all operations, including accommodation, food and drink and other hotel services run smoothly. Hotel management arranging goes a long way to assist hotels in achieving its aims. Hotel management arranging as an automated dust ordain enable hotels provide all round services to their various customers or stakeholders by means of digital or electronic means. The system will assist management in its day-to-day business activities, make decisions.1.2 depicted object and Field of StudyThe field of study is computer studies and in relation to the subject area being Information Management system and Web coating Development with highlights on Database management, Web and Internet Technology. This project is a web application development project prior to my area of study, the project is traffic patterned specifically for hotel businesses that has seen the need of transforming business activities from the manual process to digital process and in any case businesses that needs safe and proper customer data management in electronic form using the internet.1.3 Study ObjectivesThe study objectives are categorized into two1.3.1 Global ObjectiveThe Global objective of this project is to contribute to the general organic structure of knowledge and research educate in the area of developing a hotel management system that will automate the whole management processes of the organization (hotels).1.3.2 specific ObjectivesThe following are the targeted objectives to be accomplished in aver to achieve the general objective above. To be able to create mutual communication amongst customer and business (hotel). To provide a platform for online booking and reservation by customers ro oms. To provide easy memory access to customers in aftermath and qualification selection of hotel rooms. To be able to manage fast access to guest(customers) information and easy update of records. To be able to provide security measures to access the hotels information lowering data security threats. To be able to provide better data management facilitiesTo able to enable backups of respective users to be make and accessed when it is needed.1.4 Problem StatementIntended to explore the impact of the design of Hotel Management System is expected to overcome the general problems in handling issues relating to hotel business activities, managerial activities, difficulties in providing stock control of equipments used in the hotel, difficulties on monitoring and tracking customers details and requirements on which the tasks are performed, the time consuming aspects of various customers moving all the way to the preferred hotel to make reservation and bookings as well as viewing at th e hotel rooms available.However providing notifications to respective customers almost their reservation status is also time wasting. Also management of these hotels finds it difficult manually keeping records of their various employees, clients and other vital hotel related information. Difficulties in making references to old business transactions, datas and other negotiations and issues concerning security of data andrecovery manners is also considered. It is designed to replace old method of preserve information by using pen and paper.1.5 Research MethodologyThe proposed research methodology for this project is the Waterfall Model. The falls model takes fundamental process activities and it is a sequential design process, often used in software development processes, in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of separate process phases such requirement specification, software design implementation, testing and maintenance. To ensure that our project is in par with our client needs, we used the waterfall model approach in developing the systems. The first process of the model is data gathering. Here we gather information about basic hotel management system functionalities. Joint Application Development (JAD) will be used as fact- findings techniques that will be used to gather the requirements analysis if the Hotel Management System should be implemented in any hotel. after the first phase of data gathering we proceeded in interviewing our clients.We asked about what their expectations were in a hotel management system. Some clients already had a hotel management system. In this case we asked them about what improvements they would have wanted to add in the system such as implementing an attribute for passport information. After gathering all of the information from our clients we proceeded with the next tint which is analyzing of data and problem solving. In here we began conceptualizing the components our system needed such as inputting name and creating a log in log out system. We also thought about what elements from our initial concept did not require. After conceptualizing all of the elements we need in creating our system we proceed to the next step which is implementing requirements. In here we decide what applications we need in developing the system.Here we decided to use VB.Net and MySQL as our primary programming languages. Now that we have our tools we proceed to the next step which is system and software design. In here we take our concept design and upgrade that design by implementing our tools in the design. This means we have to understand the requirements of the end user and also have an idea of how the end product should look like. System design also helps us specify the hardware andsystem requirements to create the overall system architecture.System design is the (stepping stone towards) our next task which is GUI design. GUI design is the process of designing user interface of the entire system. This means that we start creating actual look of the program for our system. After creating the design we proceed to next step which is system coding. This is where the command lines are assigned to a GUI so that they would have their proper functions. An example would be initiating the connection query in order to connect to the database.After adding all of the required components we proceed to the final step which is system testing and debugging. Here both individual components and the integrated whole are methodically verified to ensure that they are error-free and fully meet the requirements.1.6 Background and Justification of the StudyThe purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which a hotel management system will be used in the organization to manage hotel business processes. A background study shows that the hotels daily operation is managed by the Administrative Department. The process starts from customers coming to the hot el to make reservations and enquiries, through the hotel receptionist. The customer booking details will be recorded in a manual form and filed. After making enquiries and finally a reservation is made, the reservation form would be forwarded to the cashier for payment to be made, all involving paper work. Since it involves paper work lots of time is consumed and booking & reservation takes a lot of time.Furthermore, when a customer wants to check out, files will have to be searched and retrieved so that the final operations of checking out a customer will be performed. Some of the service personnel who have studied the issues concerning the manual business operation issued by customers, has contended that the manual operation reduces the operational productivity of the hotel. Because there have been cases records have been mishandled due to human error, some datas cannot be found etc. HMS helps in managing reservations, bookings, guests and agents. The user can search for the vacan t rooms in the hotel and book for it by not necessarily coming to thephysical location of the hotel. An administrator can view the booking details, transactions and coordinate the activity with the agents. He can track the entire site activity. Reservations can also be made through a phone call or an email.1.7 Expected Outcome of the dispatchAt the end of this project, the following becomes the outcome There will be a created mutual communication between customer and management. Customers will be enabled make online booking and reservation by searching for rooms. There will be enabled effective storage of customers data Administrators will be able to manage fast access to guest files and updates of records will be done effectively and efficiently. Administrators will be provided with better data management facilities. There will be enabled security measures when trying to access the hotels information lowering data security threats. There will be enabled frequent backups of respect ive user details and access when needed.1.8 Presentation of ThesisChapter 1 General introduction is focused on the research which is the Project Proposal. Chapter 2 Literature Review which focuses on history and the outlook of the existing systems. Chapter 3 Methodology. In this chapter, the proposed system is analyzed into details and its importance discussed expansively where context of use level diagrams, dataflow diagrams, flowcharts will be used to explain the proposed system further. Chapter 4 System Analysis and Design the study carries on with the design of the system. This chapter will cover up database modeling, class modeling, use case modeling and the relationship diagram of the proposed system.Chapter 5 Testing and Implementation Implementation of the computer software goes on after the design. The system will be tested and reviewed to reveal errors. In this chapter also the documentation of the completed system. It also lays emphasis on both the users of the system a nd the system itself. at a lower place the user documentation, the manual for both the user and the expert who will administer the system will be known. Finally conclusion and recommendation will be made as well as observations are identified and the necessary improvement which could be added to the system is made.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Political Participation Essay

There ar three most important components of politics namely- semipolitical party, c be groups, and favorable hunting expeditions. . An organization or group of people working together to gain political power is c entirelyed political party. People which have putting green motive or concern , get together for influencing political work out is called interest group. An informal network of activists who seek to transform the set of the society is called complaisant movement . (An introduction to political science edited by RAND DYCK summon 337).Considering the immensity of political participation in the political arena although these components are imperfect but they still have a lot of eccentric to be played in the political arena . Political parties are one of the fundamental elements in contemporary liberal democracies. The place that they occupy is itself a resultant role of the very concept of democracy, founded upon the pluralism of interests, the unanimous rejectio n of single party system, and political competition in choosing of the leaders and policies.But over and above that fundamental and crucial choice, occidental political parties appear to be playing an increasingly important role as consequence of functions that they assume in the life of liberal political societies. It is upright to say, without exaggeration, that the political parties control the political care for from the raising of political consciousness to the elaboration of policies and their implementation.Admittedly, the political parties are by no means the only agents twisting ( not only is the party system pluralistic ,but the parties themselves hold no monopoly over the exercise of some of their functions), and their role, furthermore, varies from one country to another. But they are usually the essential agents in political life. ( governance and politics in western Europe by YVES MENY page 79) Like political parties , interest groups play a merry role in making public opinion heard in organisation.In the united dry lands it is comparatively simple to organize a group whose dissolve is to influence authorities . moreover , there are so many groups that already exist that see to iting one sympathetic to ones destination is not difficult. The political process is in like manner open to communication from organized groups as well as from individuals. Even groups advocating controversial positions will usually find someone in presidency willing to hear them out. Interest groups operate in many different ship track.Some organizations seek to mobilize public haul on government through techniques such as letter writing campaigns or public demonstrations. Others work more directly with government officials ,lobbying for appointment of adjudicate and administrators and supporting certain court cases are common interest group tactics . (politics a handbook for students by ROBERT WEISSBERG PAGE 79) Like political parties and interest grou ps, social movements in any case play an important role in political arena . social movements help in putting pressure on the government for changing some values and norms for the society.Social movement is form of rebel against the government for changing some laws or norms of the society. There are various ways of doing social movement even except doing violence for example non-cooperating with the government , doing fasts and gathering on roads and protesting against the government . social movement is one of the way for citizens to express their views to government , to participate in political system and to influence the policies of the government. Interest groups and social movements are sometimes also called nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).This term is particularly common in the fields of international relations and break upment, but NGOs are also active in domestic politics. Such organizations are part of neither the state nor international organizations such as unite d nation . in addition to targeting states and trying to change domestic policies, they aim to influence international organizations such as UN and world trade organization . (WTO) ( STUDYING POLITICS EDITED BY RAND DYCK WRITER- MIRIAM SMITH PAGE 338 ).Examples showing role of political parties In India , political parties has a significant role to be played in political arena for political stability and political efficiency. India is a multiparty system containing six national political parties namely- nationalist congress party , Indian national congress, bharatiya janta party, communist party of India, bahujan samaj party, communist party of india(Marxist). There are also different state parties in India. One of them that I know about is SHIROMANI AKALIDAL . SHIROMANI AKALIDAL is currently ruling party of punjab .This party has played an important role in evolution of punjab as a state. They have made many budgets get passed from the central government for the development of th e state. In Anandpur sahib shiromani akalidal party passed a budget to make VIRASAT E-KHALSA. This is one of the great Sikh museum showing all the sikh history. This sikh history museum is also known as khalsa heritage. shiromani akalidal is also passing bills for giving subsidies to set up industries . shiromani akalidal is also helping farmers by providing subsidies and pesticides and fertilizers at cheaper rates.It is also passing bills for developing roads and building big multi complexes. This party has consecutively won the election twice as they are doing the good job in developing the state. This party is playing an important role in developing the state. This is what the role of the political party is and it has great importance in developing the state through participation in political arena . political parties are helpful in almost all types of governments to develop the state except in the cases of dictatorship, authoritarian regime and totalitarian regime.Examples show ing role of interest group In india, business group can also be the example of interest group. All the businesses have same interest or motive so they get together to influence political process of the government. Interest group is type of pressure group which puts pressure on the government for achieving their motive. Business groups have the same motive one is to increase the scratch and other is to lessen the government requirements to proceed in the business. They always put pressure on the government to reduce the taxes so as to increase their profit.They also put pressure on government to pass the annual budget more in favour of development of business organizations . They also force the government to pass the laws for not allowing the foreign companies to settle in their country so as to decrease competition and hence earn higher profits. There are many other pressure groups which are influencing the government through their participation in political arena like student orga nization , linguistic groups, professional person groups , peasants organization and media.All these are influencing political processes of government through participation in political arena and achieving their motives. This political participation by pressure groups is forcing government to make the rules or laws in which all the groups are satisfied and hence proper laws by the government for its citizens. Examples showing role of social movements It is a movement that strives to change political or social values of the society. There are many social movements which have influenced the political working of the government and hence changed the social value of the of the movement made by Gandhi before the independence of india by gathering people of CHAMPARAN was DALIT movement . DALITS are those people who were traditionally considered untouchables. In this movement Gandhi want the upliftment of rights of peasants who were considered untouchables by the society so for bringing equality in the people he lived in dalits houses for almost more than one and half month. He also wrote the letter to the legislature for making some laws which uplift socio-economic status of the dalits.These social movements thus help in changing the social values of the society which are detrimental for the society and hence transforming the society and making it a best society to live in where there is equality and all norms and laws which are good for the society and its individuals. conclusion Considering the importance of political participation in political arena, it can be concluded that role of political parties , interest groups and social movements has not been overstated and they play an important role in the politics of the government and in improving the society.Political parties help in development of the state through making bills pass from the central government for all the purposes like construction of national highways and for subsidies to different gro ups and thus play an important role in development of the state through political participation. Interest group also play an important role in political life of government through political influence in the political processes of the government . Interest groups influence political processes for achieving their motives and this does not allow the government to overuse its powers .Hence it plays an all-important(prenominal) role through political participation in political arena. social movements also play an important role in the political arena as they help in transforming the social values of the society which are not good for the society. In the nutshell , it can be concluded that political parties , interest groups and social movements all these have significant role to be played in political arena.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Group Behavior in the Workplace

Group Behavior in the Workplace Antoinette T Harris Organizational Behavior, MGT 412 instructor Nikki Follis December 7, 2010 Group Behavior in the Workplace Introduction Group Behavior is well delimit as, situations that tout ensembleows people to interact in large or small assemblyings. These mortals works in concert may depress to coordinate their behavior by acting in a certain way to get to a intention that differs from what each person would do if acting al wizard. Group dynamics, combined with great attractorship or charge, understructure achieve goals that atomic number 18 stigmatize for free-basemental success.The organizations social systems ar made up of many an(prenominal) complex sets of human behavior and relationships that interact in many ways deep down the workplace and in addition in the businesses world they face every day. These work groups can be comprised of like-minded mortals, a assorted group of undivideds, or a group of specialized s killed individuals who are heightened by circumspection to achieve unmatched coarse goal in the organization or project at hand. balancing the rights of each individual in the workplace is sometimes difficult for the employer since nearly organizational goals are set to be achieved through group perspiration.People become dependent on established cultural systems that gives each individual stability, understanding, security, and the ability to respond to any given situation. Working Groups impose certain expectations and rules on each individual division of the aggroup which can expose the weaker members lack of shared responsibilities. This can rival the operative police squads set goals that must be met by every peerless involved in the groups effort to get every detail finished and accomplished. Employers views on Group BehaviorQuality Management Systems deep down the workplace lead become the key element that entrust measure the success or failure of an organizati on. man-to-man attitudes within the workplace can reflect a persons likes/dislikes toward other co-workers and management within his or her working milieu. Supervisors and managers must understand how workplace group behavior can be godlike to increase productivity, motivation and product quality by establishing a secure and stable group environment that can be managed effectively and minimally.The Manager Worker relationship is special Kly influenced by managements egoistic needs that are mainly governed by two types the needs that relate to the leaders reputation, such as recognition, status, respect of associates, and appreciation and those that relate to self-confidence, achievement, decision making, self-esteem and knowledge. Management is not usually designed to patron employees satisfy their human needs in a manner that lead puddle healthy working environments.If management and high level leadership in the unified world exit develop more like minded, working group environments employees will experience fewer frustrations and will devote more time and commitment to their production processes. These motivating factors I defend listed would be aimed to acquire the organization as a whole and not slow down productivity through dis-satisfied and non-productive employees. 1. altruism is concerned with being of help to other people. Help of a practical nature can be a psychological or emotional kind. . Productivity Efficiency managed by a productive management police squad will help minimize the working relationship gap that will usually constitute between average employees and productive employees. 3. Self-Development This motive can take the standing concern by helping to develop individual skills and abilities that can be used as a plus in the working group. 4. group Building Events Managers who schedule team building events will see more productivity and motivation in their groups efforts to achieve its goals. 5.Staff morale This mo tivator will help management build their teams and groups effectively, if they practice boosting morale within the working group environments. High morale is one of the major components in the workforce. Traditional Management is no longer practiced within todays workforce. This style of management focuses on using the mass of the time working with and through people. The working individual now has to become a skillful psychologist, since most of what people do on a daily basis, is shaping the behavior of others.Whether you are a till or subordinate, you are only successful as a group effort if each individual has skills at motivation, interpersonal influence, working together with peers, approximate conversation with individuals and superiors. Managers are reflections on each working individual and their style of leadership will determine the quality of groups they orchestrate to build organizational power, fruit and success. New management styles tend to base their success on feedback from individuals bottom line implementation.Management believes that everyones performance is crucial and should be aligned with the organizations values, vision, and strategical priorities. The Employees View Todays corporate world calls for effective and efficient working professionals that will go beyond their comfort zones to build good working interpersonal relationships at work that help all workers understand their role and target goals that contributes to the strategic vision of the organization.Healthy interpersonal relationships in team members will enhance favorable working environments and keep morale strong as teamwork progress toward one common goal. The culture of an organization is a very heavy and powerful element when that shapes working relationships, work enjoyment, and teamwork progress. Not every working individual has the psychological concoct that enhances the workplace and makes way for an enjoyable teamwork environment. Some employees feel t hat working in a team group causes blurred vision between the self and others which causes a mixture of anxiety and false self.Working in close-knit work relationships can be positive or negative depending on the culture of the organization and how management governs the project or goal at hand. apiece individual take aways a role on behalf of the working group which functions as a team looking to achieve one common goal. If a certain team member is not using his or hers interpersonal relationship skills, then the goal of the team can be hindered and unprogressive, leaving a negative impact on the teams functionality and creativity.Several issues emerged as a result of the employees lack of fulfillment in the teamwork environment. Employees who are not accustomed to building interpersonal relationships can assume a contingently negative team role, or whipping boy role, where the team member can take on the entire responsibility or guilt of the working group if they chose not to produce as required by the working group and management. Interpersonal relationships are very important when it comes to teamwork and effective production levels within the organization.Management should be aware of certain individuals that do not possess the interpersonal or relational skills it takes to be a good and effective team member. team up building events can be very effective when it comes to helping individuals achieve certain career goals and team building skills. Each individual brings diversity and creativity to the total work group, and should therefore be interact fairly and carefully, to bring a positive outcome to all working groups that are looking to achieve a common product or goal. Developing Group NormsEach employer has an obligation to ensure all of his or her employees are working toward achieving a common goal. This is to include any and all of the relationally challenged individuals in workplace. Some of these employees may not already be recognized as interpersonally challenged workers, and may need a personal judgement performed to calculate the degree of his or hers emergenceal needs. As the culture of the organization is important for productivity, the development of group norms should also be at the top of managements organizational goals.Successful communication between managers and employees can be critical components of group interaction and functioning. Some steps that an organization can take to adopt group norms can be very effective in managing group efforts that will produce one common goal. First, a academic session or team building event should be scheduled for all group members to attend. This should be fun, exciting, motivating and positive in order for each individual to learn their particular roles and effectiveness they will bring to the common production goal at hand.Once this team building session is scheduled and established, the facilitator builds on each team members creativity and abilities to begin a common working environment for all to build reliance, trust and self-confidence. A brainstorming session is vital to this team building process. This allows each individual to bring their personal thought processes and skills to the table of production. The more ideals generated the better. Recording these ideas on a large white flip chart or white board where everyone can see, will build upon the common goal management has tasked the working group with.Ensuring positive and effective communication and retentiveness commitments are very essential to teamwork efforts. Each member of the group is committed to living the guidelines that is set in motion. The team should commit to confiding in each other if they think a group member is in violation of the agreed upon group norm. A list of all group norms should be distributed to each team member and posted in a common area like the teams meeting room. These group norms that were established should be periodically reevaluated and implem ented to ensure the effectiveness of the groups common goals and achievements.Keeping management updated and informed of the groups progress can be a big plus to each individual as evaluation time rolls around to show the team members how effective and productive they were in achieving the common goal that was tasked as a group effort. Conclusion Today, the major task within the working groups is communication and team building sessions that will bring everyone together to build interpersonal relationship skills with other coworkers, to show each individual the importance and effectiveness of working together as a team. One of the ost important things to remember when it comes to team development and team building is to consider that effective teams are developing organisms. Each team goes through shows of development the same way plants and animals do. The Wheelens Integrated Model of group development describes the evolution the group evolves through. The model shows the groups p rogression from immaturity to maturity in four stages. The first stage is modeled after a toddler or young child. These newly created members of the working team are insecure and unsure of themselves, the group and its structure.This new group will need instruction, guidance and direction to establish a routine that will help each member gain security and stability in their individual roles that will enable them to survive toward their next stage. The groups second stage is similar to middle school. These informal to recognize issues are prone to rear its ugly head. Lots of disagreements subgroups and cliques emerge where some of the members will show discontent and resentment toward the leader. This makes the leader frustrated with the group of workers since no matter what he or she tries to do, will always add up to wrong.Stage two can be compared to teen years. For leadership or management, this stage is critical in the team building adventure. This is the time to give each mem ber the probability to take on a larger role, and not the time to relinquish authority or write the script on power. As the group matures into stage three, it will soon learn what it takes to accomplish the groups task at hand. At stage three, each working individual will have to give equal weight to what and how they will work within the groups efforts. This stage allows for individuals to belt down their roles and form positive partnerships and coalitions.Each member masters this part of the stage and the group can now move effortlessly into stage four. It is great to see working groups progress into stage four. They are focused on the process it takes to carry out the work. This stage characterizes the independence of the leader and trickles down to each individual that is working toward the goal of completion. The team learns delegation skills from the leader and this relationship now resembles that of the adult-child or older parent relationship. The leader is dedicated and consulted as needed, for clarification and feedback that results in the final decision of the group.As working groups learn what it takes to work together effectively, this integrated model of group development will help organizations to achieve effective teams that are fortify with knowledge, interpersonal skills, individual creativity that allows everyone to work together. Working as a team will help build effective products and services that will show a quality that cannot be produced by one person, but built upon by an effective group of individuals who learned how to come together to achieve one common organizational goal.Works CitedGroup Behavior and Psychoanalysis. Changing Minds and Persuasion How We Change What Others Think, Believe, Feel and Do. Syque 2002-2010. Web. 08 Dec. 2010. http// htm.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Compare and Contrast: Byzantine Empire and the Aztecs Essay

The early civilizations of the byzantine and Aztec empires rose to originator using a variety of tactical maneuvers. They were both very successful and very powerful up to a certain point. The byzantine and Aztec empires both employ military strategies and advancements in war. Although while the Byzantine Empire used Christianity to unify its people, the Aztecs made people fear them by using man sacrifices. Also the byzantine was a bureaucracy with an emperor who was public opinion of to be chosen by the gods to rule over the people, however, the Aztecs had a formula who was seen as an actual god.The Byzantine and Aztec empires had very strong military tactics which led to expansion and advancement. The Byzantine conquered almost all of the land around it and had many skilled warriors. This is much like the Aztecs who had skilled warriors and even though they didnt necessarily conquer the land, they took control of the people and made them pay tribute. The Aztecs captured peo ple for human sacrifices many times and this was an adapted technique they used, while the Byzantine used the technique of the Greek exonerate which was an invention similar to a flamethrower.In the Byzantine Empire there was a main religious belief and in the Aztec empire hey were highly reliant on human sacrifice to scare people into connexion the civilization. The Byzantine empire used the newly found religion of Christianity to unify its population and make them a whole. The Aztecs however, believed in multiple gods and used human sacrifices to make other people fear and respect them. This tactic was also used to get them to join and scared them into paying tribute to the Aztecs or the Aztec gods.There was an emperor in the Byzantine Empire who had much influence because people thought he had been chosen by god this was similar but not exactly the same as the Aztecs who had a leader that was thought of as an actual deity, or god. Because the Byzantine ruler was thought to be chosen by god, he had power and control over his own civilization and also those that he tried to conquer. The Aztec leader had predict power over his people and since everyone viewed him as a god it would be wrong to defy him. For this reason, he had influence and power over other places, as well as his own.

Breakfast at Tiffanys Essay

The fill begins appropriately with the lead Holly Goligthly having breakfast outside of Tiffanys in New York and already that sets the tone of the only movie. Shes dressed in a discolor Givenchy dress and her hair resembles something of a pineapple. She is looking in to the store and we see her spotlessly polished reflection in the well-polished windows. Appropriately I say, since the title says adept that, Breakfast at Tiffanys. Even though is seems unimportant, just a title, Tiffanys plays a central procedure throughout the movie but non just as a location for several of the scenes.It represents e re every(prenominal)ything Holly wants and doesnt seem able to get or allow herself to want. Holly as a character is a in truth intriguing creature. Her quirkiness and seemingly free-spirit leaves me wanting to emulate her, doing my hair and make-up in the same mode and act like she does. Its not until the middle of the movie when I realize that under that perfect exterior lays a very broken and confused spirit. The ideas of the perfect and glamorous feel of Tiffanys argon nouns Holly tries to apply to herself.The presumed shallowness of the sales people and the expensive merchandise makes me understand that for her, money and the played personal identity of Holly Golightly, controls her life. It leaves me with a sense of longing to understand this complex personality and question was lies beneath the surface. It becomes clearer throughout the film that even though it seems very shallow there is a compassion and depth to Holly and so besides to Tiffanys. One of my favorite scenes that clearly represent this is when Holly and Paul Varjak spend a day doing things they have neer done before and end up at Tiffanys.Due to the censorship of the time, the movie was released in 1961, it is never outspoken, but definitely clear what lengths both Holly and Paul, will go for money. In this scene money is not the focus, and the ring from the Kracker Jacks becomes a representation of the humanity in not only Holly but Tiffanys and even the metropolis of New York. Every decision the director has made in this film is very carefully selected, and even though the details are very subtle at first glance, they all support the idea I believe the film is trying to portray. New York as the big, glamorous city where wealth and beauty seem like a commodity.The belief that anybody can pretend to be what they want, or in Hollys case, hide what they are. Every detail becomes important. Holly dressing almost exclusively in black but when she thinks she has finally gotten what she want, knits a red dress. Her empty apartment that in that same moment gets adorn and the only reason we know its not real is because the cat still has no name. in that location are so many different layers to this film and I guess that is why it has become a classic. Every time you see it you discover new details or change your mind to the highest degree the mysterious and ever ch anging Holly.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

“In The Lake Of The Woods” by Tim O’Brien

In the book (OBrien, 1995) In The Lake Of The Woods by Author, Tim OBrien, the author was able to convince me that I was at that place on September 19, 1986, when the woman disappeared close to the lake in Northern Minnesota. The vanishing of Kathy Wade was eerie and I was unceasingly asking myself what could maintain happened to this woman. Did she drown in the lake? The possibilities were endless and the author kept me in suspense as I feared the worst in this situation that took place in the woods. Kathys husband tooshie who was a politician seemed to be an immediate suspect in Kathys disappearance.His character didnt seem the like one that was very respectable and although he was very handsome, which made him seem less of a suspect, his down(prenominal) spiral in his political career did raise doubtfulnesss of his innocence. When the Wade family drove to the woods in Minnesota, I knew that they were personnel casualty to be in for a fearful adventure. The secret tunnels a nd doors were quite interesting but the resistance chamber was terrifying Anything was liable to happen down there and it did raise vivid images of the spooky quarters. nonpareil thing could easily turn into something else at any given moment in this haunting tale.How could seat Wade go from being a magician to a killer of the woman that he was vatical to bop? From the very beginning of the story, it was as if you knew that Kathy was going to vanish but there was always consent that she would be found, throughout the entire story and I did try to visualize something happening to her that didnt deal her husband. This story was able to take me backward and forward throughout the book, talking well-nigh different periods of time, which alone had to do with the ultimate question of What happened to Kathy? privy Wade, the soldier, you clean didnt want to believe that he was a murderer, although his friends in Vietnam did refer to him as a Sorcerer because of his magic tricks, wh ich seemed to flow in the story. Was he adequate of love or was that just an illusion or just another one of his some tricks he held up his sleeve. That question was always on my mind. Kathy did know some things about John, because she sometimes call(a)ed him Inspector Clouseau just another one of the many names that people that had been associated with, called him.He was easily transferred from one gentle to another, and each title was just as interesting as the last. He was a character with many talents, I suppose, including murder, peradventure? You did have to winderment if perchance Kathy was in that house. Was she a part of the magic that was inside or was she at the bottom of the lake in the woods? This story is very spooky and a little evil. I wonder what kind of mind did the author possess, himself to be able to come up with some of his ideas that made John Wade such an exceptional character in this book.Did the author have some of the same characteristics of this ma n, John Wade or did he just make it all up? I count that all authors have some of the traits and qualities that they describe in their writing and I tried to sort through the nurture and pick out some of those traits and associate them with the author. Was he into magic tricks and murder or perhaps he fought in a war and wanted to describe some of the events that he was recalling. This book is so engulf in questions and I still have to wonder how one man could have so many different in the flesh(predicate)ities.He was a politician, possible murderer, fighter in Vietnam, magician. He was handsome and obviously charming because of the particular that he seduced his wife and was successful in marrying Kathy. She must have trusted her husband, fully. I would have care to have been able to read more about Kathy, while she was still alive in this story. Im positive that she would have been able to shed more light on this story and by chance talk about the more private side of her h usbands someoneal life things that exactly a wife would know about their mate.She would have been able to talk about his very personal side and maybe shed some light on what was going to happen to her in this story. She could have possibly predicted her own death and talked about it and maybe she could have left behind some liberate hints of her ultimate fate. This story is extremely scary and confusing, without any doubt. It tends to make you not trust people, fully. It leaves an empty olfactory modality inside you as if you had witnessed a horrible event. You always want to hold that inch of faith that maybe people arent as bad as they probably truly are.In all reality, I think we should trust no human who possesses these traits as did John Wade. If I ever hear of a person talking about being ten different people in one, I will fall behind back to this eerie story and remember this character, immediately He was one of those literary figures that gives you horrible nightmares and makes you question some of his innumerous talents that you may have seen in another human being and never wondered about, ahead reading the book.Im sure that I wont be able to sleep after reading this story. It really wasnt one of my favorite stories, although it was very interesting the way the author describe the characters and events. His description of the events wasnt lacking. It was the horror of it all that didnt win my heart. Theres just something about being in the woods that makes you automatically feel like you want to leave, which is great for those people who love horror stories. The secret chambers would be incredible but terrifyingI guess that two John and Kathy were vanished into a crazy existence. Who knows where these two people were but Im sure it was somewhere in the woods by the lake in Minnesota. Tim OBrien is an incredible writer and does get the imagination going at full speed I would like to read more of his writing but something a little less frighten ing, next time What a crazy and tantalizing story. It is one that I wont soon forget Reference Page OBrien, Tim. (1995). In the Lake Of The Woods. Penguin USA.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Discuss the significance of the ghost in Act 1 Essay

It harrows me with fear and wonder. Horatios expressive words on frontmost encountering the ghost in small town are reflective of the concerns that were preeminent in the minds of the Elizabethans of Shakespeares time with regards the supernatural. The entice of the peoples rampant belief in ghosts, witches and superstitious ideas is evident on the pages of much(prenominal) Shakespearian works as Hamlet, Macbeth, Julius Caesar and Richard III. This idea of ghosts triggered a sense of fear, and instigated thought on matters such as oddment and the afterlife.The appearance of King Hamlets ghost is hence not only typical of the earned run av successionge in which the play was supposedly written, as well as typical of other Shakespearean works, just now brings to mind issues which are still widely debated today. Act 1 begins with a change of guards at the Elsinore fort, an supple scene which has been interpreted by some to set off the tension in the play. The guards on duty, Ma rcellus and Barnardo, taste to convince Horatio of an apparition, a dreaded sight which they had twice previously seen. Horatio, however, is filled with disbelief, proclaiming, Tush, tush, twill not appear. The repetition of the word tush in this alliterative statement draws our attention to his doubts of the ghosts appearance, and thus makes it even more hammy when the ghost suddenly appears. The setting of the first scene on the castle battlements past mid darkness, and the manner in which the ghosts previous appearances are described by the guards, employing such adjectives as dreaded and references to heaven and the star where now it burns all come together to urinate a fearful scene. These all pave the manner for the appearance of the ghost, and moreover dramatic description of it and its actions.The way the ghost moves and acts, seen in the use of sibilance in See, it stalks away, and in the stage directions, It spreads his arms can be described as frightening and hauntin g. Horatio says of the ghost, it started like a guilty thing/ Upon a fearful bidding This simile implies that the ghost is still facing judgement, and this introduces the idea of purgatory. It is believed by Catholics that when a person dies, they either go to heaven, hell or are in judgement in purgatory. The ghost further hints this idea to Hamlet when he says, Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature/ Are burnt and purged away. This further connotes the idea that Hamlets father is Catholic whereas Hamlet, a student at Wittenberg, the same university be by Martin Luther the religious Reformist and founder of Protestantism, is Protestant. This idea of religious differences can be linked to the era in which Shakespeare was writing, in that the Church of England had broken away from the Catholic Church under King hydrogen in the 16th century and there was thus consciousness of differing denominations among Catholics and Anglicans in England. It is also very dramatic that th e ghost does not speak to the guards, and indeed it speaks to no other person but Hamlet.Although Horatio, the scholar, bids it to speak to him with the dogging repetition of Speak to me, the ghost does not speak till it has met Hamlet and led him away from the others. The prevent between when the guards see the ghost in the first scene and when the ghost actually speaks to Hamlet in Scene Four creates suspense and heightens the tension in the play. The appearance and words of the ghost confirms the speculation by the guards and Horatio that Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. This is reminiscent of where Horatio earlier points out, making use of alliteration, that this bodes some strange gust to our state. There is a lot of war imagery used in this Act, including assail your ears/ That are so fortified and martial stalk. The Danes are worried that war will be waged on them by Fortinbras of Norway, and thus the reason for people working to make weapons day and night, and guards watching the palace all night long. The ghost only seems to buffer these thoughts, appearing in warlike form and wearing the same fit which King Hamlet had on when he combated Norway. However, the ghosts calling of Hamlet aside is probative as it proves that he has appeared for a more private reason than those concerning the wars of Denmark.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

An Evaluation of How Emotion Affects Reason as a Way of Knowing Essay

An Evaluation of How Emotion Affects Reason as a Way of Knowing - Essay ExampleIn the encounters of some philosophers, emotion and reason argon categorized as opposite forces. Other philosophers have established an existing relationship between emotions and reasoning, placing them on a similar continuum. This paper will analyse the ways in which emotions have influenced reason positively, because yielding positive results. Moreover, the paper will analyse the ways in which emotions underside deter the part of reason.An emotions result from an evident reaction exhibited by human beings when faced with different situations. A range of emotions does exist, such(prenominal) as love, joy, anger and many others. There are times when emotions affect reason in formative ways and hence result to a source of knowledge. One of the emotions that can affect reason positively is empathy. This emotion prompts an individual to visualize the feelings of others and not just the feelings of the se lf. Therefore, empathy influences reason and introduces certain(prenominal) aspects that serve as sources of knowledge. For example, empathy can help an individual perceive a signpost, a direction, an alarm bell or even get a warning. In this way, empathy promotes the use of reason in gaining new knowledge (Lanteri, Chelini & Rizzello, 2008).Emotions also have the potential drop of affecting our reason and developing new systems of judgments. For example, all human experiences have been described as affectional and have a level of emotional context. This typically means that all the senses of an individual involve a measure of reasoning and have the potential to evoke a certain emotion at the end. This view is supported by the fact that all human experiences exhibit emotional reaction. Therefore, the emotions emerging from a certain experience may help the individual to determine whether to undertake the action or not, for example, jumping pot a cliff is an experience that evok es immense fear. The fear evoked by that experience has

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Strategic operations management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Strategic operations management - Essay ExampleTherefore, the understanding of customers and market-place is vital in establishing a successful put up chain. An organisation can build a proper supply chain by understanding the constraint of an exiting market. A well managed supply chain can reduce the general cost of an organisation and also can improve customer satisfaction. Just-In-Time (JIT) and lean manufacturing have been a pioneering concept by the Toyota Production System. It can go a long way in helping a company to implement a successful supply chain method. Lean manufacturing was first employed on a global scale in 1980s. This help aims to reduce as well as fend off overall industrial waste (Mason-Jones, 2000).Lean and agile supply chain have been implemented by many of the organisations in present with tremendous success. The stipulation lean comes from leanness i.e. developing a tax stream for eliminating all kind of wastes like time and also to ensure a level sch edule. The term agile comes from agility which transforms to using market understanding and also a virtual corporation for exploiting adept opportunities in a volatile marketplace. Many organisations have implemented both lean and agile supply chain for gaining competitive advantage.Lean method (or lean manufacturing) essentially focuses upon the reduction of wastes from the manufacturing process. The basic principle of this process has been the pull strategy that is based upon the demand from the end of the customers. It is a made-to-stock approach which relies mainly upon completed materials inventory. Toyota performance system have used this method to streamline their overall supply chain. In fact, a major portion of the lean manufacturing has been developed in the Toyota Production System. Lean process tries to avoid sturdiness in manufacturing by calling for the demand of a product to be stable through the utilization of market association and forward planning and also

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instructions Essay

Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instructions - Essay ExampleRalph Tylers contributions to the rationale came from his experience as a teacher, a maker as well as an evaluator of the political platform. He was actively multiform in designing the methods of measuring changes in learners in relation to efforts by the schools to help learners in exploitation interests and ensuring their appropriate performance in society. In the manuscript, Tyler formulated questions that he believed that any practitioner in curriculum inquiry should try to answer. Do the questions include what educational purposes the school seeks to attain? What educational experiences are call for for the effective attainment of the purposes? How educational experiences could be effectively organized? And lastly how the determination of whether the purposes are being attained can be effected (Tyler, 2010).Tyler laid emphasis on educational purposes, on which he meant few targets which are set at high levels of generalizability. Tyler also suggested that the school objectives would be valid plenty if their selections are in consideration to information about the learners contemporary life, psychological interests, and needs, as well as useful aspects of the subject matter in relation to everyone including the discipline specialists. The schools in the selection of the effective and attainable objectives should screen in line with the schools educational philosophy as well as their beliefs about the psychology of learning (McNeil, 2009).After the formulation of the purposes, highlighting the necessary educational experiences is vital. The learning or educational experiences, harmonize to Tyler, refer to the plan for the provision of learning situations with considerations to both the previous viewpoints and experiences brought to the situation by the learner and the promising response of the learner emotionally, mentally, and physically in action.Ordering the goals, objectives or targe ts to ensure that they share the focus on the same outcome would then be very vital. Tyler was fascinated with how the curriculum could be structured to break a maximum cumulative effect. This was in line with his efforts to develop a cumulative plan for an administration that would assist students in learning more effectively (McNeil, 2009).

Monday, May 13, 2019

Article review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Article review - Essay ExampleExamples of new media entangle but are not limited to the Internet, computer multimedia, and CD-ROMS. Television programs, books, and movies are not included in the new media until they wholeow digital interactivity. overbold media in general and the Internet in particular is the about important and frequently used source of information in the contemporary age because of many reasons accessibility of information is 24/7, there is a wide variety of sources of information including journal articles, blogs, and threads, Internet is wholeness of the cheapest sources of information, and the content can be retrieved, used, and sent to the desired destination all at the same time. smart media is frequently accused of many negative effects in our sustenance in terms of obesity, wastage of time, and a great deal more, which is not right. Saying that new media has had only if negative effects on concourse is not only a very broad generalization of its effects, but also very reckless approach towards the compend of its effects. Critics accuse new media of spreading obesity among the teenagers and young adults whereas the real responsibility to keep themselves smart rests with the very teenagers and young adults. They need to manage their time better so that they do bewilder time for around physical workout. Accusing new media of causing great deal to waste time is also wrong. Critics say that people spend hours and hours on social media websites, which breaks their connection with the physical humans. This is so untrue In fact, to much an extent, the activities people used to do in the physical world are now performed in the virtual world which actually saves their time. Before, people needed time to hang out with friends to socialize with them. Nowadays, all they need is a computer with an Internet connection to chat with their friends on daily basis. All the extra time skeletal otherwise in going out is saved and may be pu t to positive use. New media is accused of causing social exclusion in people as they dont find time to socialize with others. The reality is exactly the opposite of this. New media has actually served as a program to promote social networking and relations. People make new friends and can chat with them 24/7 disregarding of the geographic distances. In his article, Andrew Keen says that Google is not our friend and the rationale he puts forth to support his stamp is that it is protruding too much into our life. Most of the literature that criticizes Internet for creating negative effects in our life plays with words. For example, Andrew Keen says in his article, Having successfully become our personal librarian, Google now wants to be our personal oracle. It wants to call for all about us, know us better than we know ourselves, to transform itself from a search engine into a psychoanalysts couch or a priests confessional (Keen, 2007). In thus sentence, Andrew Keen has projected Google as a noun, deal it is a person who is manipulating our life. Google is just a search engine that cannot possibly want or learn like living beings do. If there are articles on Google that dictate us what to do throughout the day, it is our choice to read them or not, or even use the information in our everyday life later on reading it. Michael Gerson says. in the online world of Second Life, many people prefer to take the shape of

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Market Entry Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

trade Entry Strategies - Essay ExampleThe process of choosing the particular place to enter with a new accident is important since it determines the level of success of the firm. The factors that should be considered when setting the destination for the new venture include inhering factors, external factors, desired mode characteristics, and transaction specific behaviors. Consider the location of any direct investment and then consider the culture of the country in terms of religion, Other factors that need to be considered includes institutional weaknesses and government policies of the country in which the new foodstuff is situated. Choosing the appropriate space involves market scanning and is ground on secondary data and it should give the advantages and the disadvantages of investing in a particular market. Market enquiry is the most complex part of determination of where to invest and it requires more resources to manage. Market look for is mainly establish on primary r esearch and this is the reason why it requires more resources to manage. Among the factors that are studied during market research are the geographic distance, cultural proximity, maturity of the distribution system and the economic and political stability in the region (Su, 2013). Timing of entrance jibe to Veronika (2007), timing of entrance is also an important for the organization salutary like the positioning of the market system. Both the latecomer and first mover have got advantages and disadvantages that they lie with in market acquisition and establishment in the market (Limbersky, 2008). The first mover takes the advantages that include technological leadership and preemption of scarce resources in the market. The first movers also enjoy the advantages that come with of strong brands and the establishment of entries of barriers in the market. According to Michael and Hans (2012), the late movers also enjoy some advantages in the market that first mover cannot easily enj oy and they include opportunities to ride on first mover investment in the market. Janet and Gao (2012) also

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Against The Odds - Documented Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Against The Odds - attested Argument - Essay ExampleFurther, my above average intelligence greatly tilts the statistical output towards my getting high academic grades. Consequently, I will fall within the Shapiro et al research findings possible 15 % of students who deal complete their four year college degree within six long fruitful geezerhood (Shapiro et al. 9). My intelligence will lead to my being among the 42 partitioning of students who are able to complete their college degrees without withdraw to transfer to another institution (Shapiro et al. 4). The statistics espouse the responsible students can pass all college requirements.Furthermore, my allocating enough metre to studying my class lessons contributes to my being one of the few successful college graduates. Consequently, my being part of the 51 percent mixed students enrolled in the average college program will help me gain much needed buy at from diverse student friends. The mixed student group is composed o f both full time and part time student enrollees (Shapiro et al. 18).Moreover, my long list of easily retrievable relevant academic resources ensures I can submit high quality academic papers on time. Consequently, I can finish my college take to the woods within six or less years. My close kinship with the college library staff and other smart classmates will assure my falling within the statistical findings less than 35 percent student population who will receive a college diploma within six years (Radford et al. 13). The statistics defend that the effective and efficient students will graduate from college.In addition, an interview with one my close associate affirms I will successfully grab my college diploma. The interviewee shared statistics to back up the college claim (U.S Census Bureau 1). The statistics defer that there is an overall 30 increase in the number of college graduates from 1965 to 2010. Specifically,

Friday, May 10, 2019

Climate change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Climate careen - Essay typesetters caseResearchers have the view that the temperature has risen by 0.8 -1o on the Celsius scale globally. The ontogenesis in the temperature may locution small but it may bring a bigger difference in some of the temperature affectionate environments. The melting of the Atlantic Glaciers and glaciers at some early(a) regions depicts the situation due to the mood diverseness. Ecosystems and Climate reassign Ecosystem plays a significant role in shaping the livelihood of the earth. However, the observed effects of the climate change are not such adverse that are estimated, as some of the organisms have the capability to chasten with the climate change. Some of the organisms within the island ecosystem such as coral reefs are much influenced with the little point in time rise in the temperature (FAO 3-79). Like the Pacific Islands mangrove area may decline from 1% to 13% as the temperature increases from 2o to 4o. In the Islands at higher altitud es, the temperature increase is causing the show to melt and thereof endangering some species by increasing the amount of invasive species. Moreover, the increase in the level of the sea piddle might become a reason for the bleaching of the coral reef and effecting the reproduction of the coral reefs and thus lessen the life of the coral reefs. Coral reefs are important in becoming a reason for providing the other species like fish, shelter and food. Biodiversity can be influenced by the events such as the cyclones, where the repetitions of the cyclones are increased. With just an increase of 2% in the temperature, the intensities of the cyclones are increased by 12 or 15% (IFAD, n.pag.). Moreover, the climate change impacted the generation of ice over the... Natural processes have a set impact on the earths climate however, the utilization of the fossil fuel sources to produce talent has produced many problems. The most(prenominal) distinguished problem of the burning of the f ossil fuel is the emission of the spirt hall gases. The green polarity gases are named due to having the ability to trap the solar radiations inside the earths atmosphere in the presence of water vapors in the atmosphere. In this way, the solar radiation never go can to the space and constantly warm up the earths atmosphere. The green house effect is created by artificial means in the green houses to develop certain plant species. Human activity is the major cause of the climate change. The utilization of the fossil fuel resources to attain energy is highly impacting the earths climate. There is a need reduce the utilization of the fossil fuel resources, as fossil fuels produce green house gas emissions that are capable of trapping the solar radiations. It is recommended to utilize the sustainable and renewable resources to produce energy like solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower, etc. as sustainable and renewable resources produce no or little green house gas emissions. If it i s not feasible to utilize the renewable resources, the fossil fuel resources that lave displace percentage of emission must be utilized like natural gas is better than some(prenominal) coal and oil, as it has lower quantity of emissions. There is need to control the climate change for the institution of the human life and for the existence of our planet.